At parentNode we are craftsmen and we understand the importance of our tools – and of keeping them in top condition. These tools allow us to control more aspects of the development and provide our clients with the best solutions.
The parentNode platform is composed of the following free and open source projects and based on an extended LAMP stack.
Manipulator is a modular, flexible, performance optimized JavaScript library and framework for websites and applications with a slightly neurotic focus on details. Simple DOM manipulations to advanced animations. Single pagers, websites or applications. It executes as fast as Javascript. applications.
Current version: 0.9.3
Janitor is a PHP developer toolkit, designed to build custom content/data managements systems, not to be one on its own. It is designed from the frontend and down, with a unique focus on front development, SEO and recyclability. An extensive set of built-in components, an extended item-based data model and simple inheritance architecture allows you to steer and extend your Janitor any direction you want.
Current version: 0.7.9
Detector is your one-stop solution to supporting all HTML capable devices on earth and lowering your development complexity at the same time. It identifies and divide all HTML capable browsers/devices into 12 well defined and documented segments and gives you a clear technology range for you concept implementation. From newest desktop to oldest mobile phone. With a simple model for mixing up your own unambiguous device support in any given project.
Current version: 4.1
Templator is a semantic Schema Search Engine Optimized HTML template set for web development. Finally a complete separation of content, design and functionality – and giving you recyclable HTML. It is fully backwards, W3C and WAI compliant and works as a perfect data layer to any web based project. Obviously it works even move beuatyfully with the above mentioned :-)
Current version: 3
Asset Builder
Asset builder is a production asset builder for JavaScript and CSS. It compiles one JavaScript file and one CSS file, for optimized inclusion in production environments and ensures all your assets are in the right place.
Current version: 1
The parentNode WebStack
The parentNode WebStack is a full development and production enviroment based on Apache, PHP, MariaDB, Redis, ImageMagick, FFmpeg and wkhtmlto. The development environment runs on Linux, Mac and Windows.
Current version: 2
Want to contribute?
We always need help doing more good things. Send an email to to join our team. Or read more about our internal training program, Holistic Web Development (HWD) – no prerequisites required.