
Browsers, detection and segmentation.

29 Posts

  • The mobile segment


    The mobile segment includes mobile- and feature phones released within the past 5 years. They have small screens and limited support for JavaScript and CSS due to limited processing power. (8%, 2017)

  • The mobile_light segment


    The mobile_light segment includes mobilephones released within the past 15 years. The have very small screens and limited support for CSS and likely no support for JavaScript. (1%, 2017)

  • The tv segment


    The tv segment covers TVs and console devices with internet access, using the remote control or game pad for navigation and interaction. Like Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii and SMART-TVs. Featurewise this is a very broad segment as the browsers in these devices range from very old NetFront mobile browsers to state of the art WebKit browsers. (0%, 2017)

  • The seo segment


    The seo segment is a purely semantic segment targeting search engines, content aggregators and screen readers for the visually impaired. This is just minimal and well structured content in HTML - nothing more, nothing less. It's for machines, not for people.

  • The Baidu browser
