3 Posts
The Favicon overkill
- 2016-04-01, 17:54
Remember back when all you needed was just one favicon? Today it's not quite that simple. A lot of new device types support a custom favicons for even more different use case scenarios. But do you really need 27 specific favicon's for your website? I don't think so.
Browserstack - cross browser testing doesn't have to suck
- 2015-07-08, 13:20
Recently I switched back to Browserstack and I must say I am impressed with the updates they have made over the last years. Roughly estimated it is top of class in all areas. Shortest way to local live testing, really good speed and all the testing features one can expect of a complete testing environment. And I especially want to applaud them for having a cheap freelancer plan - finally someone who is also considering the needs of the small individual businesses.
Downloading old versions of Firefox
- 2015-05-21, 09:03
Argh ... found a bug in an old version of Firefox and want to download an old version to run local tests.