We have updated our build script. Before we used two separate scripts, namely js-merger and css-merger. Now they have been consolidated into the new asset-builder.
From now on build your project by going to http://#yourproject.local/asset-builder. Switching between the build and unbuild versions of the site is done by using the ?dev=0 and ?dev=1 parameters as usual.
Unfortunately, the upgrade to the new asset-builder isn't entirely automatic. There are a couple of manual steps. But do not worry, it's easy-peasy.
After you've pulled a site that has been updated to use the new asset-builder, your working directory will contain some unwanted Git residue. To remove this, open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your site.
Then, run the following commands:
rm -rf .git/modules/submodules/js-merger
rm -rf submodules/js-merger
rm -rf .git/modules/submodules/css-merger
rm -rf submodules/css-merger
cd submodules/asset-builder && git config core.filemode false && cd ../..
git submodule init
git submodule update
Finally, you must open .git/config, which is found in the site’s root directory – beware, the .git folder may be hidden – and delete the css-merger and js-merger sections.
Save, and that's it!
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